Thursday, July 5, 2012

Witbier Triple Threat Match

     Hope everybody had a great Fourth of July. Went too fast didn't it? Well, whatever you all did, hope you enjoyed yourselves. Beer? Yes, this is a blog about it, and the beer today I will review is a style of beer called Witbier. Witbier is a style of beer from Bavaria, meaning "white beer", which gets its name from the yeast and wheat proteins that stay suspended, giving the beer a hazy, cloudy, appearance. This type of beer is very light and refreshing on hot days like the ones that have been hovering around us lately. I will review three very good American brewed Witbiers.
     First up, from Dexter, Michigan, comes the Calabaza Blanca. A rich, artisanal brew, this hazy number is modeled more after a Belgian Biere Blanche (basically a Belgian variation on the Witbier style). At 4.8% ABV, this guy is oak barrel aged, with a spice character and hazy goodness. The color is a hazy yellow-orange, a nice foamy head, with a smooth spicy start, and a nice, dry and citrusy finish.
      The second beer reviewed is from Cleveland, Ohio, called Holy Moses White Ale, from Great River Brewery. Named after the founder of the city, at 5.4% ABV, this beer is as refreshing as it is complex. The kicker? Like other Witbiers, it is brewed with coriander spice and orange peel, but Chamomile is placed towards the end of the brewing. The result? The chamomile gives the beer a nice herbal and floral boost, making it a more refreshing brew. You can smell the chamomile at first scent, blending in quite well with the orange zest and coriander.
      The third and last beer in this blogpost is closer to home, from Easton, Pennsylvania to be exact. The beer is called, quite simply, Blanche. This beer is also modeled on the Belgian Biere Blanche. This one checks in at 4.6% ABV, and uses Cacao orange peels to blend in with the coriander spices, thus giving a tart, but spicy taste. This one also has a wonderful haziness, although lighter than the two others mentioned beforehand. It is also surprising mild.
      Now, which one wins? I will go with the Jolly Pumpkin Calabaza Blanca. It is so unique and so full of flavor. It is well balanced, and goes beyond the call of duty, well, for a Witbier/Blanche anyway. I can also drink this with dinner, primarily one with grilled chicken or game hens and garden salad. not to say the Holy Moses or Blanche are bad, they are both also outstanding. They just won't hold a candle to the Calabaza Blanca. Well, there you have it. A Witbier triple threat match with three great beers, and one tough winner.
For more information (if you care) :